What to Expect at Denman Chiropractic Acupuncture and Massage

You will immediately feel at home the moment you walk in the door.
We are located in the Denman Place Mall between Comox and Nelson Streets just below the Coast Plaza Hotel.
We are also renowned for respecting people’s time. You will rarely have to wait beyond your appointment time.
Your first visit will take about an hour plus or minus 20 minutes. We try to schedule as much time as possible for this first visit but if we need more time we will schedule it later at no extra charge to you. On this visit you will be asked to fill a brief health questionnaire which will later be reviewed and discussed with the chiropractor. The consultation is a chance for us to get to know each other and zero in on your concerns. Next the doctor will perform the examination to try to find out what the cause of your problem is and determine if chiropractic care is right for you.
Before any treatments are administered you will be given a detailed description of what we have found, how we can help, how long will it take to see results and how much will it cost. All treatments will be explained to you and risks discussed before any care is given.