Core Strength: Exercises 1 – 6 : Exercises 7 – 13
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1. Raise both shoulders off the ground.
(Repeat 20 times.)
(Repeat 20 times.)

2. Raise right shoulder off the ground.
(Repeat 20 times.)
(Repeat 20 times.)

3. Raise left shoulder off the ground.
(Repeat 20 times.)
(Repeat 20 times.)

4. Raise pelvis off the ground while contracting lower abdominal muscles.
(Repeat 20 times.)
(Repeat 20 times.)

5. Raise left shoulder off the floor.
(Repeat 20 times)
(Repeat 20 times)

6. Raise right shoulder off the floor.
(Repeat 20 times)
(Repeat 20 times)
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